Thursday, May 21, 2015

GAIN: Forms

To say I had issues with Google Forms would be an understatement. I had to go step by step reading the directions in our Google App book by Graham. The instructions in Chapter 7 did make it easier but I can say it will take many, many more times me doing this in order to feel comfortable making a quiz or test with Google Forms.
I think there are many advantages Google Forms gives a teacher such as being able to easily access a students progress, creating quizzes just to name a few. When you think of Common Core and the student I think Forms gives them ways to complete many tasks. I know I talked to my fifth grade daughter and she told me in her class they just used Forms in completing their STEAM project in conducting surveys and she also added that her teacher uses this for many of their tests.
I think I once I feel comfortable with this I can see many advantages in time management this would give a teacher.

1 comment:

  1. Well, no doubt. Being so far behind with the other items probably kept you from having the time to work more on this. As you reference the Graham text, you have said a bit more than you did on Sites, so I can give you partial credit - more than merely credit for effort.
