Just since I got my iPhone 6 in January have I been introduced to KeyNote. I was pretty amazed when I realized the similarities between it and PowerPoint. All of the programs are pretty simple once you've taken advantage of the tutorials. I had fun just exploring all the different animations. There are some many choices when it comes to inserting charts and graphs. One of the cool things about KeyNote is the way it has made it easy to display your data in colorful and creative ways for students of all ages. I can imagine elementary students in a classroom having a fun creating and giving presentations on the iPad more so than with PowerPoint.
Why did I not know about this sooner. I love how all you have to do is sign-up for a personal account and you receive 10 GB FREE!!!! Its your storage drive wherever you go, as long as you have access to the internet. The plus is you don't have to worry about losing it. The ability to share files with others makes it comparable to Google Drive. There are also options to leave comments on files, so you can communicate on collaborative projects. You don't have to transfer documents from device to device since it's a webpage storage.
I have never used a mind-mapping app. before, until I tried iThought. It was fairly easy to use and I liked the click and drag features that made it easy to change your mind. When I'm trying to write and organize things I'm constantly changing my mind and this is a wonderful tool to have at your disposal. When you think how could this be useful in the classroom, I think the teacher could present a main idea and have the students help add the links. The teacher could write as the students offer their ideas and information. The students could even take turns typing their ideas on a collaborative map the teacher creates. The teacher could also use this app as a way to organize ideas and thoughts to teach a particular topic.
Rover vs. Safari-
There are many similarities between the two as a browser goes. Both have history, favorite functions that you can easily find the webpages you have searched in the past. They have the same scroll features and both are considered safe browsers and are meant for iPad, Mac and iPhone browsers.
Even though they have those common features they are different in that Safari doesn't support flash and Rover does. Rover is designed for education and Safari is a normal webpage browser. Rover offers educational apps and resources for teachers and students. Rover is also a safer online environment.
Rover is a wonderful safe browser to use for educational purposes.
Good jub!